Thursday, June 26, 2014

Samish Island Arts Festival July 26th 2014

This festival is new to me, it's been going on for 18 years and you just drive over a bridge to get on the island. I have heard good things about this "Samish Island", people have been saying they have been there for a lot of things like retreats, classes, etc. Sounds like a great place to be..........I'm ready! Reggie


  1. It's almost here! This Saturday! I can't wait! *I love little Islands! The sun will be out with us! Come and explore my new show location! Lets have some fun in the sun!

  2. Unique mix of tranquility, local art, local folks and with class, they even shuttle folks to the parking via limo! You can drive all around the island in a short time, with beautiful scenery! Sites not to miss!
